DFOTW | Angel Haze [@NativeRaeen]

Name : Angel Haze
Age: 20
occupation /Talents : rapper/writer/singer
location: Brooklyn, NY
website: whenitraeens.com

what made you want to get into making music? 
- Honestly, I just needed an escape and music provided that.

who are some artist you look up to?
- Jason Mraz, Andrea Gibson, Childish Gambino, Kanye West, Eminem.

how do you feel about the women in hip hop right now?
- I don't have an opinion on anyone in particular, I just think it's coming along. Women are pretty much dominating hip hop now.

where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- If my drive and determination serve me right, I'll be exactly where I want to be.

whats the message you send in your music?
- Never be afraid, to follow your heart, your dreams, or whatever else. Anything you want in the world can be yours…(and also that i kick pretty dope shit, haha).

whats your fashion inspirations?
- I draw from androgynous models and clothing companies, anything that presents the opportunity for me to feel comfortable really.


Jake Simms
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