#DFOTW | Knatasha Chambers [@Tashadelasoul]

Knatasha  Chambers [Pronounced Natasha]

Austin, Texas

20 Years Old.

What Are Some of Your Dreams? My biggest dream is to TRAVEL. I would like nothing more than to be successful that I could travel and explore this world. Everyone says "oh, it's a small world" but this world is huge so many different people and cultures that interest me. Specifically India, and Japan. I would also love to learn how to sing, and draw.

What does you like to do in your Free time? Well outside of college and work, I love to go shopping and thrifting. My boyfriend got me into thrifting and I love it. I like the challenge of turning used/old items and making them your own style. Also, going to movies, going to the arcade, and just hanging out with my boyfriend really just to name a few things. I used to dance as well like modern/lyrical/jazz type dance but in college I just don't have the time for it.

who are some people you idolize and why? Hmmm... I idolize people like Jennifer Le from 2bitchezdeep, Aleali May.. those are just two people who come to mind at the moment. But there are many people who inspire me to try new things in fashion and lifestyles. The reason I chose them is because they each have a unique style that they have created. Its classic and timeless, now-a-days trends will consume people and everyone looks the same but they maintain a true style that will never fade. I aspire to have a style like that one day..



Jake Simms
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